BJA Training Academy



The two-and-one-half-day First Line Supervisor training is designed to support custody and non-custody correctional professionals promoted to supervisor positions within the last year and in adult institutions. A benefit of today’s blended training model with diverse correctional professionals is the ability to blend cohort groups, incorporating the importance and interdependence of each job within the system, regardless of their position classification or placement within a particular agency. This collective experience helps people promoted into supervisory positions and new hires learn one consistent message about the vision, mission, and values of the organization and the agency’s expectations.

Participants can work in the same or separate facilities with similar missions, sizes, and needs of the population. It is recommended that participants receive prerequisite training in basic communication skills and de-escalation techniques. The training package includes the training presentation, a facilitator guide, and a participant guide.

We encourage agencies to review the curriculum materials with a multi-disciplinary team of staff, including executive leaders, training leaders, correctional uniform staff, and non-uniform staff, to ensure the foundation of the training meets the agency’s vision, mission, and values.


National Scan

Outcomes-based Training Evaluation

Guiding Principles

First Line Supervisor Training

Adult Learning



Additional Guidance